
Physician Wellness and Burnout

Downloadable documents on Physician Wellness and Burnout from the University of Florida

Finding the Why, Changing the How

Interventions to prevent physician burnout

Resident Depression Review

Resources for Professional Burnout

Physician Well-Being Index

Invented by the Mayo Clinic, the Physician Well-Being Index provides personalized wellness assessments, customized resources and progress-tracking capability.

  • Mayo clinic Physician Wellness Index
  • AMA Resources

    The AMA's STEPS Forward initiative includes modules focused on physicians' professional well-being. Click here.

    Physician Wellness Burnout Survey

    This sample is provided not as a definitive measure of the presence or absence of burnout, but merely as one potential piece of data for you to consider as you explore issues related to physician wellness and resilience. Click here to take the survey.

    County Resources

    The following Medical Society Associations have considerable resources for physician wellness.

    • Capital Medical Society
      The CMS Physician Wellness Program (PWP) provides up to 6 confidential, complimentary wellness coaching sessions with a  psychologist as a benefit of CMS Active and Associate members who may be experiencing work burnout or other stressful situations.  Completely confidential, no information is disclosed to others and no electronic medical records kept. We have five dedicated psychologists available with information available through the Capital Medical Society website. Non-members may visit our membership page for information on joining at
      Click here to access
      the Capital Medical Society’s compilation of articles, studies and videos about physician wellness.
    • Collier County Medical Society Physician Wellness Program
      The CCMS Physician Wellness Program provides up to 6 confidential complimentary sessions with a psychologist per year as a benefit to CCMS members, whether active, retired, adjunct, associate, or resident physician. New applicants will also be eligible; non-members can visit our membership page for information on joining. We also have lectures, seminars and physician fitness and wellness groups.
    • Duval County Medical Society
      Our resource e-library includes videos, webinars and podcasts, articles, websites, books and risk management tools. And we have a  24/7 confidential hotline number, (904) 631-1446 for our DCMS physician members who may be faced with work burnout or other stressful issues. We also have four dedicated counselors available through the website, geographically located throughout the City that offer pre- and post-office hours, including emergency services. The four counselors will provide for up to six (6) sessions per year for individual DCMS physician members at no charge. Completely confidential, no information is disclosed to others and no electronic medical records kept.
    • Escambia County Medical Society Foundation
      The Physician Wellness Program (PWP)  provides a safe harbor for physicians to receive wellness coaching to address normal life difficulties in a confidential and professional environment. The Escambia County Medical Society Foundation board has hired licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Rick Spencer who has a PhD in psychology. He will provide wellness coaching to the Escambia/Santa Rosa County Medical Society Active Members, for up to three visits per calendar year. This provider will maintain a minimal confidential paper file for each physician, but no insurance will be billed and ECMS and the ECMS Foundation, Inc. will not be given any information that would identify those who utilize the program. As such, the program is completely confidential. ECMS Foundation, Inc. will pay a monthly invoice to our psychologist based on the total number of sessions provided. ECMS membership will be verified through a monthly log provided to Dr. Spencer.
    • Lee County Medical Society Physician Wellness program
      The LCMS Physician Wellness Program (PWP) provides a safe harbor for physicians to address normal life difficulties in a confidential and professional environment. The program works with two independent psychology groups that provide counseling to active physician members of the Lee County Medical Society (LCMS), up to six visits per calendar year.
    • Palm Beach County Medical Society
      The PBSMS Physician Wellness Program (PWP) will offer any PBCMS member 6 complimentary, confidential counseling sessions during a calendar year. The PWP is a self-referred program designed for physicians to be proactive to address and prevent burnout. The practice of medicine is a highly stressful profession. Physicians carry a high degree of emotional tension, and they tend to seek help to lesser degree and at a much later stage than other professionals. Thus, Physician Burnout is of great concern to the medical community. Physician Burnout manifests itself with early retirement, disengagement, depression, substance abuse, and suicide.

    Other Resources