Update on looming Medicare payment cut
By Jarrod Fowler, MHA, FMA Director of Health Care Policy and Innovation
What’s happening
Physicians face a 2.8-percent Medicare conversion factor cut next year. This significant pay reduction is largely the result of Congress’ unwillingness to statutorily fix the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. For years now, physicians have been telling Congress that the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule is simply unsustainable. Years of cuts have further destabilized the traditional Medicare program and left physicians wondering whether they’ll have to cut back on providing care to vulnerable seniors to keep their practices economically solvent.
What you can do
Tell your U.S. House representative to support
HR 6545 , the Physician Fee Schedule Update and Improvement Act. This legislation would address future Medicare pay cuts as well as certain aspects of budget neutrality, the system that requires pay increases for some specialties to be offset by cuts to others.
What to expect
Congress often addresses these cuts at the last minute through budget legislation. As always, the FMA will advocate for your interests and keep you updated as the legislative process moves forward.